Thursday, August 8, 2013

Build It & They Will Come .......Really???

Build It & They will Come
Can it really be this simple?
Well, yes and no..... Let me explain

There are several problems with the “build it and they will come” approach.   
A tree falling in the forest, without anybody around, doesn’t make the news.
Even if you’re on the cutting edge of technology or innovation, 
your product or service won’t immediately
be recognized as holding any value.
People might need time, or education,
even repetition before it sinks in.

Now, if your product or service solves a problem, you got a winner.  
But, what if people can’t recognize the connection between your solution
and their problem, then you also have a problem.

That problem may be temporary.  The more you educate,
the more you drive awareness of the problem and the fact that
there are solutions for it, the better you are and
the faster your business will grow.

We solve problems.  
We offer solutions where the courts can not.  
We put cash back into pockets of the people.
Now, that’s marketing.

Check out our new store at JRI Marketing Magic